Empowering Women In Tech | Cantium
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Women represent 29% of the tech industry, marking a considerable increase from previous years. Despite the progress, there is still opportunity for further improvement. What measures can be implemented to sustain this growth and attract more women to the tech industry? In this article, we explore why women in tech are so important and how we can encourage more women into STEM.

Why aren’t more women getting into tech?

Just 3% of women say a career in technology is their first choice. Why is this? Research suggests it starts at school. Young women are leaving education without considering careers in technology because they lack crucial information about the sector before choosing their career paths. PwC’s Women in Tech report found that women feel that the tech field isn’t being presented to them as a viable career option.

Introducing tech and providing training opportunities within schools and further education will play a vital role in encouraging more women to pursue careers in the tech industry. By providing access to coding classes, STEM programs and mentorship initiatives, young women will be empowered to explore and excel in technology-related fields. This approach not only fosters gender diversity within the industry, but also creates a supportive and inclusive environment for future female tech professionals.

Why are women so underrepresented in tech?

Underrepresentation and stereotypes within tech hinder women’s access to opportunities and advancement. This bias not only affects individual careers but also stifles innovation by limiting diverse perspectives in tech spaces. 

In the media and film industries, technical roles aren’t often depicted as being occupied by women. There’s an opportunity here for more women to be represented in these spaces. Interestingly, 62% of women in the industry believe that stereotypes still exist. It’s crucial for us to actively challenge and debunk these stereotypes to create a more inclusive environment and to encourage more women to pursue careers in technology.

Why are women in tech so important?

It’s an exciting time for the tech industry. Women are making significant strides as they break down barriers in a field that has historically been dominated by men. Despite this progress, women still encounter significant challenges at work. 40% of women cite a lack of mentorship as one of the biggest challenges in the tech industry, alongside a lack of female role models. It’s essential for organisations to actively prioritise gender equality within their hiring and culture. 

29% of executive and senior leadership roles are held by women here at Cantium. Our business champions inclusivity and equality to support women to thrive in the tech industry. We’re dedicated to empowering women to advance in their careers and offer many opportunities to upskill professionally through training. We are passionate about promoting workplace equality and strive to inspire other organisations to create inclusive and supportive environments where all employees can thrive and succeed.

How can organisations support more women in tech?

The presence of women in technology roles, particularly in leadership positions within the workplace, is a powerful catalyst for inspiring and encouraging other women to pursue careers in the tech industry. Seeing successful women in these roles provides valuable representation, role models and encouragement for aspiring women in tech. Diverse teams force companies to anticipate alternative viewpoints. Less assumptions are made by bringing together a mix of genders with various backgrounds and ethnicities.

Making workplaces more accessible can also reduce barriers to progression and promote equal opportunities. On episode five of The Cantium Podcast, our host Debbie Rose, Education Systems Lead at Cantium, noted our flexible working initiative as a positive practice that enables our female staff to maximise their performance and productivity in line with an effective and rewarding work-life balance.  

In conclusion, the journey towards empowering more women in the tech industry is multifaceted, requiring concerted efforts from educational institutions, corporations, and society. By addressing the root causes that deter women from pursuing careers in tech, we can begin to dismantle the barriers that have historically hindered their progress. As we continue to champion diversity and inclusivity, we not only pave the way for more women to thrive in the tech industry but also unlock a wealth of innovation and perspectives that can drive the sector forward. 

If you’d like to hear more from us about Women in Tech, take a look at episode five of The Cantium Podcast with our host Debbie Rose and guest Amy Austin-Barnes, to further explore the topic and how we can empower women in STEM.


*Statistics cited in this blog post were accurate when written on 25/09/2024.