Digital Inclusion Services For Public Sector | Cantium
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Cantium logo with the word 'Cantium' in white and a lime green circle surrounding it.
Photograph of a support worker working with a young mother and baby for Digital Inclusion

Digital Inclusion Initiatives with Local Authorities

Cantium partners with UK local authorities to solve the challenge of digital exclusion together. We create a close collaboration that enables us to understand your challenges and find solutions that suit your needs and budget, while meeting the government’s digital inclusion mandate to reduce digital imbalance.

Cantium is at the forefront of providing Digital Inclusion as a Service with end-to-end solutions, from service design to device procurement and end-user support.

We recently worked with Kent County Council and Medway Council on a 2-year, 500 mobile device pilot, providing device procurement, devices and accessories, connectivity, device management, service and support, and recirculation of devices on a £400,000 budget. Our project has been shortlisted for an award at the Public Finance Awards 2022.

Photograph of two hands typing on keyboard, infront of two desktop monitors, one showing an analytics dashboard.

Comprehensive Digital Inclusion Support Services

Cantium can deliver your Digital Inclusion programs and projects, or support your teams with our modular approach. This means that we can support your organisation, digital inclusion teams and IT experts with capacity and expertise in the following areas:

Procurement – we can procure devices of your choice and provide them to you at a monthly cost.

Devices – laptops, tablets, iPads and smart phones.

Asset tagging – electronically or manually adding asset tags to the devices.

Register – creation of an asset registering portal and addition of your devices.

Secured – the device will be secured with security and access controls in line with your policies.

Deliver – delivering devices directly to your users.

Wi-Fi access points – providing the means to get connected to the internet.

Training – beginner to experienced digital consumer training.

Support – device monitoring and tracking, and supporting you and your users

Photograph of Cantium employee on a chair with a laptop, making a hand gesture during a meeting

Digital Inclusion as a Service Outcomes

Our experience of working with UK local authorities and healthcare providers to deliver digital inclusion programmes includes working to ensure project outcomes. We understand the importance of achieving the goals that your organisation has set for digital inclusion, whether that be:

Improved Service Outcomes

Increasing completion rates of online courses, regular video calling and service uptake, and attendance at online appointments with service providers.

Improved Personal Outcomes

Increased use of health-related apps, NHS app, or wellbeing apps, or changes to health-related behaviour, research and knowledge.

Improved Digital Literacy and Inclusion

Increased digital confidence or skills, increased use of digital in everyday life for online shopping etc., the purchase of a device in the home, awareness of internet safety

Added value

Deliver other benefits to service users, including wider social and economic outcomes like improved health, employment or reduced re-offending and loneliness

We work with your organisation to shape the programme goals, and utilise the data and information that you already hold on vulnerable groups of citizens to optimise project delivery.

"By working in partnership with Cantium, we have delivered a service to Kent residents that enabled them to feel more connected, more independent, and less socially isolated while developing new digital skills.”
- Emily Paulding, Senior Project Officer, Kent County Council

Digital Inclusion in Public Health

When COVID-19 hit in early 2020 and the UK went into lockdown, Kent County Council and Medway Councils’ Public Health teams recognised a challenge with service users accessing online services.

By working in partnership with Kent and Medway, Cantium’s digital experts designed a solution that enables access to vital services, including health visiting, maternity services, social prescribing and substance misuse. These service users can now engage with services while increasing their digital skills, capabilities and confidence.

You can read more information about the programme challenges that we overcame, Cantium’s involvement in the project, and how we supported the Councils to achieve their programme goals. The case study includes testimonials from the Digital Lead at Kent County Council, Councillor David Brake at Medway Council, and Councillor Clair Bell at Kent County Council.

Digital Inclusion Case Studies

Get in Touch

If you have a question about our services, or would like a free consultation and discussion around your organisation’s needs, challenges and future vision, get in touch by using our Contact Form.