Cantium Partners With Tenable - Reduce Risks Of Cyber Attack
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Cantium Business Solutions are delighted to announce their new partnership with Tenable, experts in exposure management, to support local authorities in the proactive management of vulnerabilities across their IT infrastructure.

The strategic partnership will enable local authorities to eliminate cybersecurity blind spots, prevent cyber-attacks and build a baseline for cost-effective risk management. Together, we promote a proactive approach to vulnerability management. providing authorities with the tools and support to mitigate exposures that put them, and the sensitive data they hold, at risk.

With the dramatic rise of cyber crime in the public sector, a flurry of new solutions addressing threat detection and incident response have emerged to help cyber security teams continuously react to new security issues. But, these multiple solutions provide different metrics, reporting, and training requirements making it difficult to unify different risk metrics and succinctly communicate an organisation’s security status. By taking a consolidated approach to exposure management, security teams can eliminate noise, and with the right solution, bring an organisation’s entire attack surface – on-premises and cloud-based – into a single view.

By harnessing the Tenable One Exposure Management Platform, we are helping authorities to gain a full and accurate picture of their attack surface – spanning software and application vulnerabilities, access permissions, IT assets and cloud resources. By identifying, monitoring, and prioritising vulnerabilities across their entire network, authorities will be better equipped to protect critical infrastructure and citizen data.

The Tenable One platform provides authorities with a customised environment and security posture reports that support the achievement of Public Services Network (PSN) Code of Connection compliance and other key security-based certifications.

With a wealth of experience in supporting local authorities and a shared goal to reduce external threats within the Public Sector, we look forward to working with Tenable to support authorities in the remediation of vulnerabilities and recovery from cyber incidents,

Steve Whiting, Commercial Director at Cantium Business Solutions, commented:

As local authorities look to deliver value-driven citizen services, they are increasingly embracing digital technologies. This means they have increasing amounts of data to protect, at a time when the sophistication of attacks is growing. Naturally, this places cybersecurity as a top concern. Our partnership with Tenable provides authorities with a cost-effective solution to assess risk, meet compliance requirements, drive improvements, and succinctly communicate their organisation’s security status.

Having a siloed view of how assets and users are connected across the entire network is often considered the biggest barrier to preventing attacks. Together, Cantium and Tenable will support local authorities in their journey to enhance their cybersecurity posture by providing critical visibility and insight into assets and users on their network.

If you would like to find out more about how the Cantium could support your organisation with vulnerability management, contact our team today.